I woke one day in June suddenly filled with joy and excitement about being alive and having the opportunity to do and be anything I...
my shell
I started drawing happened in my mind, then started escaping through my fingertips. I realized in the far-too-early, moonlit...
fuck yes*
Sorry for the profanity. It's not really my thing, either. Especially this word. But sometimes it feels warranted. It carries a...
Grey feathers, all like this, were showing up in my path in various places around town yesterday and today. They first appeared after I...
managing grief
Did I get your hopes up with that one? We're foolish if we think we can manage grief. Clearly, it manages us. You'd think that the more...
I know that my boys are with me. I don't care how hokey that sounds. I know it. Loki has been reminding me of many things I'd forgotten....
(My cousin challenged me to a vocabulary quiz yesterday. The only question I blew it on was that "nonplussed" does NOT mean to be unfazed...
who am i?
"Let's talk about your relationship. What are the things that you love to do when you're not with him? And I told him that I liked to...
my happiness list
Somehow, since D and B died, I've been coming to the realization that it's not about knowing what I want in life--I STILL don't know! ...
I lay in bed at 5 am, saying good morning to the spirits of my little boys, petting them in my mind. Loki was very present for me for a...